Sunday, February 3, 2013

Meet the Organizers: Lena Kovalenko

I am so thrilled to have started this playgroup with my friend Marta! Here is a little bit about myself..
My name is Lena and I am a Christian. I have two children- Emily (3.5) and Tony (1.5). I am so blessed to say that I am a stay-at-home mom and have the greatest opportunity to be with my kids all day! I am also married to my best friend and a great support in my life! I was on a constant look out for playgroups and activities for my kids to get involved in, and after a while, I figured, why not start my own group? This will give me the opportunity to be creative with my own planned events and organize fun playdates! I love coming up with interesting crafts for kids to do. I love teaching them about the Bible and seeing them grow in the nurture of the Lord. It makes me so happy to see my daughter strive to go to church! I hope that other moms can find this playgroup their home to connect with other mothers and have their children interact in a Godly environment. I hope that this brings many moms together and gives them a safe, Christ centered place to fellowship. Also, this playgroup welcomes ALL moms, Christian or not, for support and encouragement. Being a parent is one of the hardest things in life and doing it alone can make you weary. This is a place to find support from other moms in a uplifting environment.

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